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Dedicated Servers

Rock solid dedicated servers, individually benchmarked, ready for deployment, hosted in our own Tier 3 and Tier 4 data centers with 24/7/365 staff on site. Our leading performance per dollar can be seen in our Head to Head comparisons with other hosting companies.
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Usable VPS

Have you tried inexpensive VPS or Cloud servers at other providers? You’ve probably found that they’re all but unusable. We do things differently. By limiting the number of servers per hypervisor, our $9 VPS offering is a server you can actually use.
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Free Domain & SSL Cert.

With every new server order, clients will receive a free domain registration and a free SSL certificate for as long as you keep that server. There are no catches and no games. You own the domain and you are the contact admin and billing. You can transfer it at any time. We just pay for it.
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Head to Head

Dedicated ServerWhen it comes time to deploy a server in production, we believe there are some strong reasons to choose eSecureData. There is no faster way to run a production website or web application than on a fast dedicated server, and ours are the fastest we know of. We operate the best data centers we know of. We have the best performance/value combination in the industry we know of. We’ve assembled some information on these points we think you might find useful.
Head to Head

Knowledge Base

The eSecureData knowledge base is freely available to anyone. For quick steps on how to configure a server, access our how-to resources. Our whitepapers section offers In depth analysis of the dedicated server, cloud, VPS and shared hosting industries, and the Internet in general.


Our whitepapers section offers In depth analysis of the dedicated server, cloud, VPS and shared hosting industries, and the Internet in general, including copyright law and prohibited content.


Our video series will help you understand hosting basics, why you should consider hosted infrastructure, and the various things you should look for when evaluating providers.

How Tos

Need to know how to configure LAMP on CentOS? Or maybe how to secure your MySQL installation? Check out our How-Tos. We keep them short, to the point, and include examples in every one.

Performance is Everything

Dedicated ServerCloud servers have a lot of traction lately, and rightly so. They’re convenient. They’re not fast, though. Not at all. They really can’t be since cloud runs on dedicated, every single time. We’ve put together some hard numbers, tests and benchmarks for you to review. Take a look at an eSecureData dedicated server compared directly to the major cloud offerings out there. You might be surprised at the results.
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